8 years ago I was invited to talk at a conference and workshop
programme in Australia
as an expert on young people and sexual health. What a treat for a
Cornish lad who never really knew what he wanted to do at school, let alone
have hopes of being an expert in anything.
I was working at NCB and three days before going to Australia I had
been appointed as CEO of Brook Central. I had spent the past year doing a
series of Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood seminars as part of the Research in
Practice series. Through that series I had become increasingly worried and
unsettled by the lack of confidence many professionals had about the range of
'healthy and normal' sexual development and sexual behaviours, and those we
should be concerned about. The result was professionals in different
disciplines making a mixed bag of referrals (or not) without any consistent
standards across Local Authorities meaning some young people got excellent
support and others were not.
The trip to Australia was fascinating in all
sorts of ways and I learnt a lot. Given my experience with the RIP seminars, I
was most excited Family Planning Queensland
had developed the most fantastic Safeguarding Traffic Light Tool which helps
professionals working with children and young people to identify, assess and
respond appropriately to sexual behaviours. It uses a ‘traffic light’ system,
of Green, Amber and Red to increase professional’s confidence in understanding
healthy and unhealthy behaviours: I knew it would be a useful tool to bring
back to the UK .
Fast forward almost 8 years
and imagine my delight to be the key note speaker yesterday at a
conference in Cornwall (my home land) to launch the adoption of Brook Sexual Behaviours
Traffic Light Tool by Cornwall County Council as the safeguarding assessment
tool the children's workforce will be using with regard sexual behaviours.
This is a partnership endeavour between Brook and the Reducing Teenage
Pregnancy Team, in particular, the coordinator, Lex Gainsbury, with the support
of the Cornwall Safeguarding Children's Board and Cornwall Health and Well
Being Board. The launch marked the beginning of 70 professional training
sessions to train the workforce in using the tool.
I am really excited at this pioneering
approach to adopting the tool. Director of Public Health, Felicity Owen
and Lead Member for CYP Services, Councillor Andrew Wallis were clear this
should be about improving consistency of education, support, assessment and
referral by increasing professional confidence in understanding and assessing
healthy and unhealthy behaviours. I look forward to hearing the learning and
hope other Local Authorities will follow this visionary path set by Cornwall .
can find out more about the tool at www.brook.org.uk/traffic-lights.
If you want to discuss how we can support you to adopt the tool please contact
I want to acknowledge the kindness of
Family Planning Queensland for giving
permission for us to develop and adopt the Tool for the UK context, to everybody involved in the
developing, piloting and evaluation of the UK tool and the Department for
Education for funding its development. I also want to congratulate the vision
and foresight all of the partners and the Brook team in Cornwall for adopting this tool.
As the backdrop to the tool I presented
about the importance of a positive overall culture is required if we are
really going to safeguard young people's sexual health and promote positive
health and well being. That culture must be one where we have expectations for
them and value their developing sexuality and people across a spectrum of
gender and sexual identities. Good Personal, Social and Health Education
is absolutely vital to this, and that is why, in partnership with PSHE
Association and Sex Education Forum we published new Supplementary Advice to
the Secretary of States Statutory Sex and Relationship Education Guidance last
week - you can download the SRE Advice here
An absolutely inspiring day. The final
cherry on the cake for me yesterday: being on home ground Mum and Dad came and
saw me speak for the first time ever. They were cute, looked after royally by
Kerry in particular and having seen the team in action are now fully fledged
Brook groupies. Most importantly, I can now say hand on heart we have had a
proper conversation about sex.
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