Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Safer Internet Day and why education is key

Yesterday was Safer Internet Day and the Sex Education Forum, together with the Anti-Bullying Alliance published a guide for parents and carers to help children enjoy safer online relationships. It focuses on the importance of talking together and gives tips on getting conversations started. You can download the resource here:

Also highlighted in the news this week was the fact that the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) have seen an increasing number of cases of abusers targeting children and young people purely online, with no intention to meet them. This is still abuse. At Brook we work to protect young people from harm and we know the importance of education to help young people to recognise when behaviour is appropriate, and when it isn’t and to know where they can seek help and support. We know that blocking technology at the source isn’t the cure - good education is the most powerful tool in combating this horrid abuse of children.

If you picked up a copy of the Metro this morning you can read more in the letter I sent to the Metro published today.

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