Wednesday, 18 February 2009

New Child Health Strategy

With all the media coverage about teenage pregnancy at the moment it probably went unnoticed that DCSF and DH launched Healthy lives, brighter futures - The strategy for children and young people's health last week .

I really welcome the strategy – it doesnt announce another tranch of initiatives - instead it pulls together work which is shown to be working locally, and provides renewed commitment and focus for a widespread rollout of high quality practice.

I was pleased to be reminded of the money that has already been announced is focusing on those in further education colleges - this is the age when most young people become sexually active. The important thing now is to make sure that the money is spent how it is supposed to be on improving access to contraception.

Some people have said we have been keeping quiet about teenage pregnancy this week – visit Brook's website next Thursday (26th Feb) when the latest statistics are being released.

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