Sunday, 4 January 2009

You think they won't tell anyone.....

You think they won't tell anyone - well you hope they won't anyway - this is a quote from a young person over a decade ago about confidentiality.  And the questions young people ask at Brook are still the same now - they think and they hope, and because they don't know they need constant reassurance. 

Professionals in health, education, the youth service and social care always have questions and need reassurance about the law and policy regarding confidential advice and support.  Brook has pioneered and campaigned for young people's right to confidential services, and provided practical advice, training and support for professionals for over 40 years.  We continue to do so. 

Each year Brook holds a conference focusing on a current theme that is central to improving young people's sexual health.  On March 5th this year our conference is focusing on Safeguarding young people's right to confidentiality and I am excited about it.  Chaired by Polly Toynbee, with presentations, workshops and opportunities for discussion with experts working on the ground, in policy, politics and research including Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights organisation, Liberty and Anne Milton shadow minister for health.  I hope you will join us.  Further details can be found at  

1 comment:

Millie said...

I've always been impressed with the confidential settings that I have experienced at Brook in Stockton and I find it refreshing that even though my time as a service user must end soon (I'm nearly 19) that others will still have access to the same high standard of service.

Keep it up!!