Friday, 9 May 2008

Is it really possible that a year has passed since National Condom Week 2007? Last year I suggested for at least one hour of National Condom Week you should answer condom in response to any question your friends, family and work colleagues asked. Children and Young People Now broke with their policy of advocating non-violent solutions, and predicted that if I tried it I would likely be punched. I took their advice and didn’t try it - but this year I might.

Meanwhile Brook has developed an exciting campaign ‘’ which is shown below. Young people told us they think the design is engaging, fun and eye catching. The campaign includes posters and postcards for use in youth clubs, schools, Pupil Referral Units and all health and sexual health services including general practice. is linked through to the Ask Brook service including our website with information about sex, sexuality and sexual health for young people under 25.

Find out more about the campaign and how to order the materials at or

Remember whatever the question, for the next week at least condom is the answer.

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