Abortion is getting the most public discussion that we have seen for a while. If you are not sure why, it is primarily because this month was the 40th Anniversary of the 1967 Act which legalised women's right to abortion, and there is a forthcoming Human Embryology and Tissue Bill which provides opportunities for legislation to be included which could and should improve and extend women's rights. Much media attention has focused on reducing the time limit, despite there being no reliable scientific evidence about this being necessary.
Brook is involved in a consortia of organisations called Voice for Choice. Together we are working together to secure these improvements which include extending the law to Northern Ireland so women have the same rights there as the rest of Britain; removing the requirement for two doctors to authorise the procedure; and increasing the range of professionals and the range of health settings where abortions can be carried out.
And there is a another job for us to do at Brook, and that is to find out more about the specific issues for young women relating to abortion, and particularly to understand more about when medical abortion or surgical abortion is most appropriate and to understand more about what works in supporting them before, during and after either process.
There is no room for complacency on abortion rights. We need a strong united voice in support of women's rights. Make sure you are part of that voice.
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